Presiden AMPAS (Academy Motion Picture Art , and science) Tom sherak mengumumkan nominasi The 84th Academya Award selasa 24 januari 2011 lalu bersama nominator best actress tahun lalu, Jenifer Lawrence.
Hugo mendominasi perolehan nominasi dengan merebut 11 nominasi, disusul The artist yang merebut 10 nominasi. Nominasi yang diraih The artist lebih merata di kategori utama, acting & teknik, sementara Hugo minus di nominasi acting. Berikut rekap perolehan film nominasi Oscar.
6 nominasi : Moneyball, War horse
5 nominasi : The Descendant, The girl with the dragon tatto
4 nominasi : The Help, Midnight in paris.
3 nominasi : The Tree of life, Tinker tailor spider spy, Albert nobbs, Harry potter & The deathly hallows part 2, Transformer; Dark of the moon.
2 nominasi : Extremy loud & incredibly close, The iron lady, My week with Marilyn, Bridesmaids, The Ideas of March, a Separation.
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The artist |
Nominees :
The Artist - Thomas Langman
The Artist - Thomas Langman
The Descendants - Jim burke, Alexander payne, Jim taylor
Extremely loud & Incredibly close - Scott rudin
The Help - Brunson Green, Chris Columbus, Michael barnathan
Hugo - Graham king, Martin Scorsese
Midnight in paris - Letty aronson, Stephen tenenbaum
Moneyball - Michael de luca, Rachael horovitz, Brad pitt
The tree of life - will be determined
War horse - Steven spielberg, Kathlen kennedy
2. Best directing : Michael hazavanivicius (The artist)
My Prediction & My Favourite : Martin scorsese (Hugo)
Nominees :
The Artist – Michael hazavanivicius
My Prediction & My Favourite : Martin scorsese (Hugo)
Nominees :
The Artist – Michael hazavanivicius
The Descendants – Alexander payne
Hugo – Martin Scorsese
Midnight in paris – Woody allen
The tree of life – Terrence malik
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best Direting dapat dibaca di sini : Directing
3. Best actor in a leading role : Jean dujardin (the artist)
My Prediction : Jean dujardin
My Favourite : George Clooney
Nominees :
My Prediction : Jean dujardin
My Favourite : George Clooney
Nominees :
A better life - Dimian bachir
The Descendants - George Clooney
The Artist – Jean dujardin
Tinker tailor soldier spy – Gary oldman
Money ball – Brad pitt
4. Best Supporting actor in a supporting role : Christopher plummer (Beginners)
My Prediction & My Favourite: Christopher plummer (Beginners)
Nominees :My week with Marilyn – Kenneth branagh
Nominees :My week with Marilyn – Kenneth branagh
Moneyball – Jonah hill
Warrior – Nick nolte
Beginners – Christopher plummer
Extremely loud & Incredibly close – Max Von sydow
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best Actor, in a leading role & Supporting role dapat dibaca di sini : Actor
5. Best actress in a leading role : Meryl streep (The Iron lady)
My Prediction & My Favourite : Meryl streep (The Iron lady)
Nominees :Albert nobbs – Glenn close
Nominees :Albert nobbs – Glenn close
The help – Viola davis
The girl with the dragon tattoo – Rooney mara
The Iron lady – Meryl streep
My week with Marilyn – Michelle Williams
6. Best Supporting actress in a supporting role : Octavia spencer (The help)
My Prediction & My Favourite : Octavia spencer (The help)
Nominees :The Artist – Berenice bejo
The help – Jessica Chastain
Bridesmaids – Melissa McCarthy
Albert nobbs – Janet McTeer
The help – Octavia spencer
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best Actress, In a leading role & Supporting role dapat dibaca di sini : Actress
7. Best screenplay writing directly for the screen : Woody Allen (Midnight in paris)
My Prediction & My Favourite : Midnight in Paris
Nominees :The Artist
Margin call
Midnight in paris
A separation
8. Best Adapted screenplay: Alexander payne,Nat faxon, Jim rash - The descendant
My Prediction & My Favourite : The descendant
Nominees :The Descendant
Nominees :The Descendant
The ideas of March
Money ball
Tinker tailor soldier spy
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best Screenplay, Original & Adaptation dapat dibaca di sini : Screenplay
9. Best film editing : The girl with the dragon tatto
My Prediction : The girl with the dragon tatto
My Favourite : Hugo
Nominees :
My Prediction : The girl with the dragon tatto
My Favourite : Hugo
Nominees :
The Artist
The Descendant
The girl with the dragon tattoo
10. Best cinematography : Hugo
My Prediction : The tree of life
My Favourite : Hugo
Nominees :The Artist
My Favourite : Hugo
Nominees :The Artist
The girl with the dragon tattoo
The tree of life
War horse
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best editing & Cinematography dapat dibaca di sini : Edisi
11. Best sound mixing :Hugo
My Prediction : War horse
My Favourite : Hugo
Nominees :The girl with the dragon tattoo
My Favourite : Hugo
Nominees :The girl with the dragon tattoo
Transformer; Dark of the moon
War horse
12. Best sound editing : Hugo
My Prediction : War horse
My Favourite : transformer
Nominees :Drive
My Favourite : transformer
Nominees :Drive
The girl with the dragon tattoo
Transformer; Dark of the moon
War horse
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best Sound Mixing & Editing dapat dibaca di sini : Sound
13. Best visual effect : Hugo
My Prediction& My Favourite : Hugo
Nominees :Harry potter and the deathly hallows
Nominees :Harry potter and the deathly hallows
Real steel
Rise of the planet of the apes
Transformer; Dark of the moon
14. Best art direction : Hugo
My Prediction& My Favourite : Hugo
Nominees :The Artist
Nominees :The Artist
Harry potter & the deathly hallows part 2
Midnight in Paris
War horse
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best Art Director & Visual effect dapat dibaca di sini : Magic
15. Best costume design : The artist
My Prediction& My Favourite : The artist
Nominees :Anonymus
Nominees :Anonymus
The Artist
Jane eyre
16. Best make up : Iron lady
My Prediction& My Favourite : Harry potter
Nominees :Albert nobbs
Nominees :Albert nobbs
Harry potter and the deathly hallows part 2
The iron lady
17.Best original score : The artist
My Prediction& My Favourite : The artist
Nominees :The adventure of tintin
Nominees :The adventure of tintin
The Artist
Tinker tailor soldier spy
War horse
18. Best music: The muppets
My Prediction & My Favourite : The muppets
Nominees :Rio; Real in rio
Nominees :Rio; Real in rio
The muppets; Man or Muppet
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best original score & song dapat dibaca di sini : Music
19. Documentary feature: Undefeated
My Prediction & My Favourite :Hell & back again
Nominees :Hell and back again
Nominees :Hell and back again
If a tree falls: A story of earth liberation front
Paradise lost 3; Purgatory
20.Documentary Short : Saving face
My Prediction& My Favourite :The tsunami of the cherry blossom
Nominees :The barber of Briminghamfoot soldier of the civilright movement
Nominees :The barber of Briminghamfoot soldier of the civilright movement
God is the bigger elvis
Incident in New Baghdat
Saving face
The tsunami and the cherry blossom
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best documentary feature & short dapat dibaca di sini : Documentary
21. Best animated feature film : Rango
My Prediction& My Favourite : Kungfu panda 2
Nominees :A cat in Paris
Nominees :A cat in Paris
Chico & rita
Kungfu panda 2
Puss in boots
22. Best short film (animated): The Fantastic flying books of Morris lessmore
My Prediction& My Favourite :La luna
Nominees :Dimanche
Nominees :Dimanche
The fantastic flying books of Mr. Morris lessmore
La luna
A morning stroll
Wild life
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best Animated Feature & short dapat dibaca di sini : Animated
23. Best Foreign language : A separation
My Prediction& My Favourite : A separation
Nominees :Bullhead (Belgum)
Nominees :Bullhead (Belgum)
Monsieur lazhar (Canada)
A separation (Iran)
Footnote (Israel)
In darkness (Poland)
24. Best Short film (Live action) : The shore
My Prediction& My Favourite : Tuba Atlantic
Nominees :Pentecost
Nominees :Pentecost
The shore
Time Freak
Tuba Atlantic
Nominasi lengkap & prediksi Best Film, Foreign language & Short dapat dibaca di sini : film
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Billy crystal; the host |
Dari hasil pengumuman pemenang tangga 27 Februari 2012 (senin pagi, 28 februari waktu Indonesia) tebakan saya hanya benar 14 kategori atau 58,3% lebih buruk dari tahun lalu yang benar 66,7% walau tahun lalu gagal menebak film terbaik & sutradara terbaik